
color blindness - contact lenses

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I wanted to work as an interior designer, but my color vision deficiency held me back. Now with my ColorView glasses, I have been able to pursue my life-long dreams! — ColorView Client


Navigate the questions below to find the answers to the most common questions about ColorView®.

Question Outline


How to use



Color Vision Deficiency


Near / Far sighted


Exams & License



Question Answers

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Will I be able to see colors better?

ColorView is designed to help differentiate "confusing colors" better. However, we believe each person perceives colors differently and we cannot make any analysis without an exam from a qualified ColorView® ophthamologist.

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How to use

Is it safe to use ColorView® lenses all day long?

ColorView®lenses do not affect your eyes or your color vision. However, in some cases, colors you see by using ColorView® lenses might differ from what you used to. We recommend using ColorView® lenses for times where they are necessary to enhance your work or recreational activities. We do not suggest using ColorView® in situations where color perception is critical to the safety of you or others you come in contact with.

Can my friends or family use my ColorView® lenses?

We believe every person percieves colors differently. Someone using yourColorView® lenses may not experience the same result as the person for whom the lenses where prescribed for.

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Can children use ColorView® lens?

Children about 10 years old and up may use ColorView® lens.(Color vision tends to develop until age 10.) In all cases we strongly recommend consulting your optician first.

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Does ColorView® lens cure color blindness?

No, ColorView® lens does not cure color blindness. The purpose of the lens is to help differentiate between "confusing" colors when you needed.

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Color Vision Deficiency

Is ColorView® effective for severe color blindness?

We believe each person perceives color differently. Please consult a qualified ColorView® optician to find out if ColorView® can benefit you. ColorView® qualified opticians will soon be listed on this website. Also, the Tokyo Customer Service Center is now accepting appointments with ColorView® qualified doctors. All appointments are made in the order which they are received. We cannot accept any prescriptions from any opticians' other than the ones we make appointments with. View contact information.

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Is ColorView® lens made out of glass?

No, all ColorView® lenses are plastic eyeglass lenses.

How thick is the ColorView® lens?

About 2mm.

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Near/Far Sighted

If I am near/far sighted, can I use ColorView®?

ColorView®lenses are not intended to correct near/far sightedness. The lenses are flat. However, clip-on or magnetic-on correctional frames may be placed over your ColorView® eyeglass frames.

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Can I use ColorView® lenses at work?

If misjudging colors results in serious injury or a fatal accident, you should not use ColorView® lenses, otherwise please use ColorView® only when you need them. (World Munsell Co., Ltd of Japan, Color View Inc. of USA, and/or ColorView® qualified opticians who sold you ColorView® lens cannot be responsible for any damage or loss caused by any use of ColorView® lens.)

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Exams and License

Can I use ColorView® lenses for drivers' license exams or any other certification exams?

Please ask the organization conducting the tests whether ColorView® is acceptable for the exam, as they are responsible for their test criteria.

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Can I drive a car, operate a vehicle or machine while wearing ColorView®?

For your safety, please do not drive a car or operatevehicles while wearing ColorView® lenses. Since the lens cuts out a specific wavelength of light, your visual field may darken and some colors may become difficult to see.

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